Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tool #10

1.       I think that there are a great deal of reasons why we must teach our kids how to correctly use technology. We as educators must keep them as well as others safe while using the internet.
·         First of all I think that we have to make sure that our students know how to keep themselves safe. With all of the sexual predators, or dangerous/inappropriate websites out there it is too easy for our kids to unknowingly enter in personal information to a dangerous website, or stumble upon an extremely inappropriate website on accident.
·         Secondly, I know from experience, that our kids do not know how to correctly go about researching a topic. When we did our research project I was amazed at how many times I had to remind the students that I wanted them to get information from “Creditable” resources, and that, or, or are unacceptable. I truly believe that some of our kids do not have enough online exposure to be able to accurately differentiate between “good and bad” information.
·         Lastly, we have a big “no bullying” push on our campus. We have had staff meetings about it and it truly a point of emphasis here at SFMS. It is very important that our students understand that our stance against bullying extends into cyberspace. We as educators have to make sure we are monitoring chatrooms, or online forums that our students are working in to ensure that appropriate dialogue is taking place.

2.       Through the ED Tech website located HERE you can access a great deal of websites that have informative pages on how to correctly use the internet. I enjoyed a page called “Code for Best Practices” This page was created and is managed by The University of Rhode Island and was originally created for their school of communications and media. It talks a great deal about copyright laws, something that is important to this generation with all of the illegal downloading that happens constantly.
·         There is also a page called Cyberethics which interestingly enough is a .gov website. This website is great about how to correctly use the internet with safety and appropriateness in mind. They have a list of “Do’s” and “Do not’s” which is pretty good.
I think that both of these websites will be utilized within my classroom once the technology rollout takes place. Knowing how to correctly use technology is a fundamental piece to have in place to allow for successful 21st century learning.

3.       I think that using some of these resources every class will need to have a discussion on what appropriate technology use in that classroom means. I plan on sharing the websites, with the students and their parents via blogs, or hardcopies and engaging in class discussions openly. I think that most of our students have experienced something on the internet through whatever social media site which impacted their outlook on things. Giving examples and role playing could be an effective way of demonstrating appropriate internet behavior.

4.       As previously mentioned, I can share the information with parents through my website or via hardcopies. I think it would be a good idea for the school to hold a “Parent’s education night” and send a letter home outlining good ideas, or expectations of our students here at SFMS. It is essential that everyone is on the same page when it comes to what is best for the students at our school. 

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